

Removing Every Hindrance to Love • Dreaming with the Beloved

Catch the extra document with key Scriptures on key heart issues hindering love by clicking here: Hindrances to Obedience // Removing Every Obstacle to Love.   --------------------   What are the dreams or desires of Your heart, Jesus?    The Father made it clear. “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I...

Culture of Discipling Sons and Daughters • Dreaming with the Beloved

What are the dreams or desires of Your heart, Jesus?    The Father made it clear. “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”. As Jesus rose from His baptism and was transfigured on the mountaintop, the Father’s heart’s desires found their “Yes and...

Pursuing OneThing: Gaze

What are you desiring most this year? Does anyone want more of God!? When holiday meals become thrown away leftovers and New Year’s habits fizzle into last year’s patterns, what are our souls left hungering for?   Setting our eyes on exemplary examples brings inspiration and permission...

Maturity in the Manger

What gift will you give the next generation? #GiveTheGospel   How long does wrapping paper last around a gift around your house? Put together with tape and a bow. Wrapped tight to be torn loose, discarded. The gift inside, maybe a year, maybe ten.     This Christmas, the Lord...

The Relational Life of the Kingdom

Culture is the set of behaviors and attitudes that guide who we are as individuals and groups. Often unspoken, our marriages families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and church families all possess them. It is not what we say but who we are. Jesus longs to establish His...

The Centrality of the Local Church

Culture is the set of behaviors and attitudes that guide who we are as individuals and groups. Often unspoken, our marriages families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and church families all possess them. It is not what we say but who we are. Jesus longs to establish His...

I am a Disciple – A Person of the Word

It's a new Year and we are taking a new, fresh look at what it means to be a "disciple" or follower of Jesus. Come ready for an interactive month of pressing into our identity as followers of Jesus.The question is, "how do we go beyond...

Kingdom in the Cradle: Exceeding Joy

Some 2,000 years ago, the Savior of the world was born in the form of a little, innocent, humble baby. God became a God-Man. All throughout Church history, Christians have celebrated Christmas through a season known as Advent. The word advent itself means “arrival” or “an appearing or...

Kingdom in the Cradle: Families Restored

Some 2,000 years ago, the Savior of the world was born in the form of a little, innocent, humble baby. God became a God-Man. All throughout Church history, Christians have celebrated Christmas through a season known as Advent. The word advent itself means “arrival” or...